Win a copy of this fabulous new children's adventure story illustrated by the great Mike Ploog - full review on the children's books page - e-mail now for a chance to win! Just answer this question: "What is the name of the second volume in the series - you'll find the answer in this issue!" Prize copies supplied by Harper Collins Childrens' Books
Katherine Roberts' Seven Ancient Wonders series concludes with this fantastic adventure story featuring Zeuxis, who helps to keep the Pharos lighthouse burning. Full review on the children's books page. Prize copy courtesy of Harper Collins Childrens' Books. Just e-mail me and tell me the names of the other books in the series.
These two titles are up for grabs in the Crime Supplement competition.
In the July Issue
read..... reviews
read..... interviews and features
read..... stories & serials
Short story: Adulation by Steven Beeho
- Short story: The Old Chief by Phyllis Owen
- Death of a Prime Suspect by Paul Edmund Norman
- Doc Savage: The Steel Hammer by Dave Taggart
- A Chalet Girl in Trouble by Lisa Townsend
- Heraklion: Assassin by Paul Edmund Norman
- Star Wars: Dark Emperor by Brendon Wahlberg
see..... art galleries & paintings
Owen Owen: Painting: Avocets
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Gateway is published by Paul Edmund Norman on the first day of each month. Hosting is by Flying Porcupine at - and web design by Gateway. Submitting to Gateway: Basically, all you need do is e-mail it along and I'll consider it - it can be any length, if it's very long I'll serialise it, if it's medium-length I'll put it in as a novella, if it's a short story or a feature article it will go in as it comes. Payment is zero, I'm afraid, as I don't make any money from Gateway, I do it all for fun! For Advertising rates in Gateway please contact me at Should you be kind enough to want to send me books to review, please contact me by e-mail and I will gladly forward you my home address. Meanwhile, here's how to contact me: Gateway banner created by and © Paul Edmund Norman
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